We love to help ...

For us life human cycle is about CELEBRATION and ACCEPTANCE free from suffering with conviction and faith as well as hope that life is a continuous change.

Whatever type of farewell you imagine, or a kind of meeting as the loved one used to be, it will be the kind of delicate atmosphere that we will create.

Whether it is something planned or not, an adult or a newborn, we will pay attention to every detail so that this farewell is a reality as a dream event that will become a reality worth remembering.
We take care of all the details so that you can be calm and give the best to the loved one who is living it with you.


Prepare you for this moment and making this event something natural, whatever it might be, is what we do. Whether it’s at home, in an exclusive place, next to the sea or your grandparent's farmstead, we are a team o specialist that will handle every single detail, guiding you from the preparation , documentation to the essential , and everything in between you may need.

No matter your believes

Whether your religion or thoughts you have all you need for your the beloved person we can to make sure this event goes smoothly like a festively without a hitch. 

We’ll take care of the big details and the little ones, leaving you free to get really relax about everything.

Support & Help

When a loved one leaves this material world in which we experience life, they are being born on other planes of existence continuing their free evolution.

If we abandon attachment and suffering by activating unconditional love for the person who has embarked on the journey to another new world, the senses of the Soul of our loved one who starts this new part of life can perceive the energy and LOVE to leave in the same frequencie during his transition.
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